ICL Brno is proud to have organized the recent concert of the Ecumenical choir Stuttgart, which took place in collaboration with the cities of Brno and Stuttgart. This wonderful cultural experience reminded us of the power of music and friendship between our cities. Thanks to this event, we had the opportunity to deepen our connections and enrich the cultural scene of our region. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of this unforgettable evening!
🇨🇿🇩🇪 We also offer a look back at the meeting with the Mayor of Brno, JUDr. Markéta Vaňková, and representatives of the city of Stuttgart, as well as the performing choir Ökumenischer Chor der Christus- und St.Konrad-Kirche Stuttgart.
🤝 Prior to the concert evening at the Hall of Merciful Brothers, the choir members, along with their conductor Florian Löthe and the accompaniment of Isabel Fezer, Deputy Mayor of Stuttgart for Youth and Education, visited the New Town Hall. For Isabel, this was already her fourth visit to the city. During this meeting, a brief performance took place in the Knight's Hall.
Photo credit: Marie Schmerková
📷 A few shots from the concert itself Hudbou k přátelství/Musik bringt Freu(n)de which took place on March 27, 2024, in the Hall of the Milosrdní bratří in Brno."
Photo credit: ICLife z.s.
Music for friendship/Musik bringt Freu(n)de
GIACOMMO ROSSINI Petit messe solenelle
Ökumenischer Chor der Christus- und St.Konradkirche Stuttgart
conductor Florian Löthe
Ema Jedlička Gogova, piano
Šárka Bartošová, piano
David Sedlar, harmonium
Sophie Sauter, soprano
Margaret Hauser, alt
Yeah Holzwarth, tenor
Malte Kebschull, bass
The concert took place within the framework of the partnership between the cities of Brno-Stuttgart, under the auspices of the Minister of Culture Mgr. Martina Baxa, Mayoress of the Statutory City of Brno JUDr. Markéty Vaňková and under the Schirmherrschaft von Dr. Frank Nopper, Oberbürgermeister Stuttgart.
Program brochure of the concert (.pdf format) [CZ, DE]