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Mezinárodní soutěž Vlastimila Lejska
pro děti a mládež

S radostí oznamujeme, že příští ročník Mezinárodní soutěže Vlastimila Lejska pro klavírní dua dětí          a mládeže se bude konat ve dnech:


13. až 17. listopadu 2025.

Přihlašování na soutěž bude spuštěno na začátku roku 2025. Těšíme se na vaši účast!

Since 2015

The Vlastimil Lejska International Competition (MSVL) for piano duos is intended for children and youth from elementary art schools, music gymnasiums, conservatories and academies in the Czech Republic and abroad between the ages of 6 and 26


Main goalthe purpose of this competition is to support not only Brno's composers and young musical talents, but to promote the city of Brno as such across the Czech Republic and beyond the borders of our homeland.

The MSVL is understood as a preparatory competition for the International Schubert Piano Duo Competition, which was founded by the Lejsk couple in 1978, and which as such is unique in the whole world to this day.

The proposals for the competition were written by Vlastimil Lejsk and Ema Jedlička Gogová. 

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