Category and program
Valid for #msvl2024
List of categories
A1 – age category up to 11 years – time limit 8 minutes (max. tolerance ± 2 min.)
A2 – age category up to 13 years – time limit 11 minutes (max. tolerance ± 2 min.)
A3 – age category up to 15 years – time limit 14 minutes (max. tolerance ± 2 min.)
A4 - age category up to 18 years - time limit 20 minutes (max. tolerance ± 2 min.)
A5 – age category up to 21 years – time limit 25 minutes (max. tolerance ± 2 min.)
B1 – age category up to 18 years – time limit 25 minutes (max. tolerance ± 2 min.)
B2 – age category up to 21 years – time limit 30 minutes (max. tolerance ± 2 min.)
B3 – age category up to 26 years
time limit 30 minutes for the 1st round (max. tolerance ± 2 min.)
time limit of 40 minutes for II. wheel (max. tolerance ± 2 min.)
Categories A1 to A5, B1 to B2:
Compulsory composition – one or more of the works by Vlastimil Lejesko listed below
One or more compositions from the Baroque or Classicism period
One or more compositions from the Romantic period or the 20th century
A selection from the obligatory compositions by Vlastimil Lejesko
A1 – Duettina, Quartet, Sonata
A2 – Duettina, I will play, Three times for two
A3 – Duet, Sonatina, Dance – serenade, Variations
A4 – Dance – serenade, Variations, Silver march, Lozíbeck march, Suite for Lipník, Invention, Brazilian dances
A5 – Quattuor ludivria, Ballads from Moravia, Sonata, Toccata, Dances of the Masters
B1 – Dance – serenade, Variations, Silver march, Lozíbeck march, Suite for
Lipník, Invention, Brazilian dances
B2 – Quattuor ludivria, Ballads from Moravia, Sonata, Toccata, Dances of the Masters
B3 - I. round: V. Lejsek: Ballads from Moravia, Sonata, Toccata
II. round: B. Martinů: Fantasy or at least one of the three Czech dances.